Yes, in the latest installments of the John Wick franchise, Keanu Reeves' character, John Wick, uses incendiary ammunition that closely resembles Dragon's Breath rounds. While it's never explicitly stated in the films, the spectacular effects of the ammunition have led many viewers to speculate that it is, in fact, Dragon's Breath. In a variety of scenes, John Wick employs this incendiary ammunition to remarkable effect. When fired, the rounds produce a dazzling pyrotechnic display reminiscent of a fire-breathing dragon, adding an extra layer of visual spectacle to the high-octane action sequences the series is renowned for. Emitting a jet of flames and sparks spanning several yards and a burn rate exceeding 5,000 degrees, these rounds leave a lasting impression. This dramatic visual impact sets the John Wick films apart from other action movies, and further cements Keanu Reeves' character as one of the most formidable figures in modern cinema.